Aggregation Program for Duke Energy Customers

Clearcreek Township Trustees approved a rate contract renewal with Dynegy Energy Services to again be the electric generator in the township’s electric aggregation program in our Duke territory.
At the February 27, 2023, Board of Township Trustees meeting, Clearcreek’s trustees accepted a fixed rate for services in the program, which was approved by voters in the November 2015 election.
Rates approved are $0.0686/kWh for electric service in the Duke territory. The prior rate lock expired last summer, so homes that had previously been enrolled in the prior offering were simply transitioned back to Duke’s retail rates. These new rates will begin with the May 2023 meter read and continue for two years, ending in May 2025.
Opt-out notices for eligible customers will be mailed out in mid-March. Please look for your envelope in the mail.
Residents have until April 7, 2023, to opt-out by returning the coupon on the notification letter, or by calling Dynegy at 888-682-2170. Those who wish to take advantage of the offering need do nothing – you’re automatically enrolled!
Helpful information, including a question and answer sheet covering details about the program, is available on our Resources tab. For specific questions about the electric aggregation program, or to sign up or exit the program, please call the township’s broker, Energy Alliance at (513) 794-5555, and ask for Rich Surace.